Moni odottaa varmasti lisätietoja tällä viikolla Instassa ja Facebookissa paljastetusta Jyväskylän Neulefestarit tapahtumasta, joka pidetään 15.-17.7... MUTTA...
... sitä ennen kuitenkin paljastetaan toinen mahtava juttu - yksi lempisuunnittelijoistamme Joji Locatelli on tulossa heinäkuun alussa pitämään kursseja TitiTyylle! Niinpä, ei meinata pöksyissä pysyä täällä :D Alunperin oli tietenkin ajatus, että Joji tulisi Neulefestareille heinäkuun puolessa välissä, mutta aikataulut eivät osuneet kohdilleen. Hän halusi kuitenkin kovasti tulla samalla kun tänne päin on suuntaamassa, joten kaiken pähkäilyn jälkeen saimme räätälöityä Jojin ohjelmaan yhden kurssipäivän. Se tulee olemaan perjantai 1.7., jolloin tarjolla on kaksi kurssia:
- Sweaters that fit (you!) klo 13.00-16.00
- Approach to Sweater Design klo 17.00-20.00
Luvassa on myöskin rentoa illanviettoa Jojin kanssa halukkaille, josta kerrotaan sitten enemmän lähempänä.
Kävin itse Berliinissä viime keväänä Jojin Sweaters that fit -kurssin ja uutta oppia tuli roppakaupalla. En ehtinyt ajoissa ilmoittautumaan ja missasin Approach to Sweater Designin, joten nyt odotan sitä kuin kuuta nousevaa...
Kurssit pidetään englanniksi ja tässä hieman tarkempaa kuvausta mitä kumpainenkin sisältää:
Sweaters that fit!
In this friendly workshop, we’ll talk about how to choose a sweater that will make you really happy
after spending so much time knitting it.
We’ll discuss:
How to choose the best shapes for your body.
How to take measurements of your body and choose the right size of the pattern you want knit.
How to customize a sweater to your own body according to your:
- Waist length
- Arm circumference
- Bust measurement
- Hip measurement
How to add:
- Bust darts
- Waist shaping
- Curved hems
- Length to the back so that it doesn’t ride up
How to choose the proper length for you.
How to choose the right yarn for a project.
A quick look at some of my samples and their sizes, shapes, lengths and styles.
Materials: Pen; tape measure; close fitting clothes so taking measurements is easier.
after spending so much time knitting it.
We’ll discuss:
How to choose the best shapes for your body.
How to take measurements of your body and choose the right size of the pattern you want knit.
How to customize a sweater to your own body according to your:
- Waist length
- Arm circumference
- Bust measurement
- Hip measurement
How to add:
- Bust darts
- Waist shaping
- Curved hems
- Length to the back so that it doesn’t ride up
How to choose the proper length for you.
How to choose the right yarn for a project.
A quick look at some of my samples and their sizes, shapes, lengths and styles.
Materials: Pen; tape measure; close fitting clothes so taking measurements is easier.
Approach to Sweater Design
In this workshop we’ll discuss my sweater design process from start to finish. This is a fun class
for anyone thinking about designing their first sweater (for fun or for work), but also for those who
are interested in knowing what goes on behind the scenes.
We’ll talk about:
- How to find inspiration (Pinterest, fashion designers, brands).
- Following trends and adjusting them to what knitters want to knit.
- Important measurements to consider when designing (shoulder span, full bust, sleeve
circumference, hip measurement, etc). Tables of measurements and their meaning.
- What is ease (garments don’t always need to be the same size as the table of
- Making notes for knitters on how to customize their garments (e.g. sleeve length, body
- Overview of different sweater constructions and how to choose the one that best suits
your idea.
- What makes a design unique (small little details that make a design stand from others).
- Discussing some samples and their construction techniques.
- Basic concepts on grading patterns to different sizes.
- Using spreadsheets to grade a very basic pattern (converting it to different sizes
Bring your own ideas and questions and we’ll discuss how they can be worked out.
Materials: Notepad and pen, tape measure. Feel free to bring a garment that you are inspired by
(the actual garment or a photo).
for anyone thinking about designing their first sweater (for fun or for work), but also for those who
are interested in knowing what goes on behind the scenes.
We’ll talk about:
- How to find inspiration (Pinterest, fashion designers, brands).
- Following trends and adjusting them to what knitters want to knit.
- Important measurements to consider when designing (shoulder span, full bust, sleeve
circumference, hip measurement, etc). Tables of measurements and their meaning.
- What is ease (garments don’t always need to be the same size as the table of
- Making notes for knitters on how to customize their garments (e.g. sleeve length, body
- Overview of different sweater constructions and how to choose the one that best suits
your idea.
- What makes a design unique (small little details that make a design stand from others).
- Discussing some samples and their construction techniques.
- Basic concepts on grading patterns to different sizes.
- Using spreadsheets to grade a very basic pattern (converting it to different sizes
Bring your own ideas and questions and we’ll discuss how they can be worked out.
Materials: Notepad and pen, tape measure. Feel free to bring a garment that you are inspired by
(the actual garment or a photo).
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Kurssit tulevat myyntiin verkkokauppaan ja myymälään alkuviikosta.
Ja niistä Neulefestareistakin kuulette lisää ensi viikolla...
Aikasta mahtava juhlavuosi on siis tulossa!
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Joji Locatelli is coming to teach 2 classes in our shop 1st of July. The classes will be on sale in our online shop early next week. We will also tell more info about the Jyväskylä Summer Knit Festival next week...